Day by day, a business or organization generates more data on sales, revenue, cost, production, etc. We cannot get into the insights merely as it will be having huge data. So to make it clear and understandable, visualization will play a role, which is very useful for analyzing market information and trends.
Understanding when and how to use various visuals can help exhibit smart data effectively and can save time. Good Visualization is most important because that gives us a trend analysis of the market with past and future sales. This results in analyzing the growth of the industry in the future which directly affects the growth and profit of the organization.
If the visualization is not good one cannot do the insights properly and cannot predict future analysis or future trends in the market. This may lead to a huge loss in the market.
The biggest aspect of any Power BI report, visualizations are simply a visual (picture) representation of the data. We should prepare visuals in such a way that everyone would be able to understand especially the end client. While selecting the visual, consider the type of information your insight wishes to convey. One must think about the kind of information the insight wants to express when choosing the visual. The size of any visuals will be determined by the level of detail you want to convey.
Some of the major things we can understand here are that we should concentrate on making the visual attractive with attractive background colors. Color plays an important role in the visualization a lively, happy color combination can be seen as more pleasant than deep darkish colors. For example, many people and social website pages use blue as logo pictures or background color as blue is the most used color worldwide, typically connected with emotion.
Power BI has many standard visuals which we can opt for in the tool itself.
Bar chart, Column chart, Line chart, Gauge chart, Multi row card, Area chart, Table, Card, Slicer, Funnel, Scatter chart, Waterfall chart, Pie chart, Donut chart, Map, etc. Apart from these charts, we can download some more charts also.
Bar chart, Waterfall chart, Line chart, Area chart, Bubble chart – These are the Data over time visualizations that describe the distribution of data across time and are used to identify trends or changes.
Bar chart - A bar chart displays the frequency distribution of values for each level of a category or period.
Column chart – This chart compares two or more categories or things using vertical bars. Column charts are useful for showing the gap between values. They represent changes over time.
Waterfall chart- These are often used to explain changes in the performance data.
Line chart – A line chart is used to show the sales per month for a year.
Gauge – To display the organization's success towards the specified sales target.
Multi-row card – This is useful in displaying summary data in a Group format.
Table – This visual gives us detailed data in columns.
Area chart – This visual graph combines a line chart and a bar chart to demonstrate how quantities vary over different periods.
Funnel chart – This chart is used to show us the data's progress as it flows through stages in a revenue process or sales process.
Card - A card has the most basic Power BI visual, holding just one number. This should be built into the DAX function.
Scatter chart - Scatter graph or chart is highly useful for analyzing the connection between two types of data.
Slicers – Using a category filter or any country or place filter beside any chart to allow users to smoothly switch between data time stamps.
Map - The map is the most effective visual for connecting with data and quickly comparing, such as looking at sales projections across the countries into which states are missing their targets.
Pie and Donut chart – Instead of comparing different values to one another, the charts are used to visualize how a certain portion fits into the overall picture. Values are displayed in percentages of the whole number.
Line and clustered column chart - A column chart depicting sales and profit each month, with a line chart showing orders per month.
Additionally, in order to make the graphics more appealing, we can add a shadow effect that heightens their appeal as well as a visually appealing border.