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What is Dax?

Dax (Data Analysis Expressions) is a formula language used in Power BI to create calculated columns and measures in reports and dashboards. It allows users to define custom calculations and measures beyond the basic aggregation and summarization options available in the application. Dax uses a combination of functions, operators, and constants to create these calculations and measures. It can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as filtering and grouping data, calculating running totals, and creating dynamic date ranges.


What is Dax?

Dax (Data Analysis Expressions) is a formula language used in Power BI to create calculated columns and measures in reports and dashboards. It allows users to define custom calculations and measures beyond the basic aggregation and summarization options available in the application. Dax uses a combination of functions, operators, and constants to create these calculations and measures. It can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as filtering and grouping data, calculating running totals, and creating dynamic date ranges.

When Dax is used ?

Dax is used in Microsoft Power BI, Power Pivot, and Analysis Services anytime a calculated column or measure is required in a data model. This might be when you want to construct a custom calculation or measure that goes beyond the standard collection and summarization choices given in the program, or when you want to develop a dynamic calculation that changes based on particular conditions or filters. Dax is frequently used in combination with other tools and languages, including Excel and SQL, to analyze and show data in more complex ways.

Where is used Dax?

Dax is largely utilized in Microsoft Power BI, Power Pivot, and Analysis Services. These programs are used to generate and evaluate data models for reporting and analysis. Power BI is a business intelligence platform that allows users to generate interactive dashboards and reports, whereas Power Pivot is an Excel add-in that allows users to import and analyse huge volumes of data in Excel. Analysis Services is a service that allows users to construct and manage data models for business intelligence and data analysis. Dax may be used within these applications to produce calculated columns and measurements in data models.

Who are the users of Dax?

Data analysts, business intelligence specialists, and other personnel who deal with data models and use Microsoft Power BI, Power Pivot, and Analysis Services for reporting and analysis are typical Dax (Data Analysis Expressions) users. Dax is a powerful tool in these programs for creating custom formulas and measurements, and it is frequently utilized by users who need to do more complex data analysis and visualization activities. Developers and IT professionals that create and manage data models and systems for business intelligence and data analysis also utilize Dax.

Why Dax is used ?

Dax (Data Analysis Expressions) is used because it allows users to create custom calculated columns and measures in data models beyond the basic aggregation and summarization options available in Microsoft Power BI, Power Pivot, and Analysis Services. It is a powerful tool for performing advanced data analysis and visualization tasks, and it allows users to create dynamic calculations that change based on certain conditions or filters. Dax is also used because it is a user-friendly formula language that is easy to learn and use, even for individuals who are new to data analysis and reporting.

How Dax is used in Power BI ?

To use Dax (Data Analysis Expressions) in Microsoft Power BI you will need to follow these steps:

  • Open the application and select the data model where you want to create a calculated column or measure.
  • Click on the "New Column" or "New Measure" button to create a new calculated column or measure.
  • In the formula bar, enter your Dax formula using functions, operators, and constants as needed.
  • Press Enter or click the "Check" button to validate the formula.
  • If the formula is valid, it will be added to the data model as a calculated column or measure.
  • You can then use the calculated column or measure in your reports and dashboards as needed.

How many types of formulas are in Dax?

There are two types of formulas in Dax: calculated columns and measures.

  • Calculated columns are added to a data model as a new column and are calculated for each row in the data model. They are often used to create new values or categories based on the data in other columns.

  • Measures are calculations that are created and used on the fly in reports and dashboards. They are often used to perform aggregations and summarizations of data, such as sums, averages, and counts. Measures are dynamic and can change based on the filters and slicers applied in a report or dashboard.

Both calculated columns and measures use the Dax language to define their formulas, and both can use a variety of functions, operators, and constants to create custom calculations and measures.