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What is Compiler?

Compiler is a computer programming language used to convert a programming language (source code) into another programming language (target language) (i.e. converts high level programming language into low level programming language) to create an executable program
Ex: high level programming language is human readable language such as C++/Java to low level Machine code or assembly language.


What is Compiler?<br/>

Compiler is a computer programming language used to convert a programming language (source code) into another programming language (target language) (i.e. converts high level programming language into low level programming language) to create an executable program<br/> Ex: high level programming language is human readable language such as C++/Java to low level Machine code or assembly language.

When is Compiler used? <br/>

Whenever we want to run or execute the written program in high level language such as C++, python or Java. It converts the whole programming language into machine level language by which computer can understand & give the result of the given input sources code we use compiler to run the program or to execute the program.

Where is Compiler used? <br/>

Compiler is used in all high level programming language such as C++, C#, python or java. we write program using this high level language so we can understand & read it its easy so for a computer it can’t, we use compiler in all high level programming language to convert source code into machine code, by this computer can understand the machine code & executes the program.

Who uses the Compiler?

Compiler is a translator used to translates a high level programming language into a machine or assembly language (machine or assembly level language is readable language to computer) we use compiler to convert program from one source code to machine code by which computer can give the output result of given input source code.

Why is Compiler used? <br/>

The compiler is used when we want to run or execute a written program, to get the result of a given source code in HLL (high-level language) to target code (machine code) So for our understanding and readable purpose we use HLL, for a computer is not possible to understand HLL, so with the help of compiler will convert the entire written program into machine language so for a computer it is easy to understand & execute the program.

How does Compiler works? <br/>

The compiler takes the program from the source code (the program which we have written in a high-level language) if we want to execute the program, then the compiler will compile or converts the entire program into machine-level language by which computer understands the source code & execute the program of giving input source code.

How many Compilers use? <br/>

There usually is one compiler for each computer language. If there are many languages used to write software, then all the related compiler and the related dependent libraries (third-party or inbuilt) are packaged into the executable and the related libraries are also packaged as a part of the software.