Learn the art of writing high-impact research techniques, Scientific writing & Editing Skills from International Experts with high impact factor.



E-certificate upon clearing the exam

Cash awards for first three winners

Freelancing position in scientific writing in Brainaura for top three winners.

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You will get to learn various tools and techniques related to research methodology such as, referencing & thesis formatting; all these very important aspects for researchers to publish their research work. . You will also learn various styles of scientific editing. Also after passing the exam, top three winners will get cash prizes along with freelancing positions at Brainaura.


Online : MS Teams


6th-10th Dec 2021


1Hr / Day


6.00 - 7.00 PM IST


Learning Outcome

After completing this workshop you will be able to

  1. Understanding the process of Research Methodology
  2. Delineating the process of designing and conducting a research project
  3. The process of Defining the Research Problem
  4. Understanding the different tools and techniques for data collection.
  5. Structuring and writing thesis (Format of thesis)
  6. Importance of referencing and the various tools involved in it.


This bootcamp is the doorway to understanding statistics for all Data Science, Machine Learning and Data Analysts professionals.

bootcamp timeline
5 Days Curriculum Break-Down

Day 1: How to write a manuscript ( 60 Minutes )

  1. Literature review of the topic of research (20min)
  2. Importance of language and breaking the manuscripts into different parts (20min).
  3. Data collection and tools (20min).
  1. Structuring and referencing the manuscript (20min).
  2. Things to consider before submission and choosing right journal for submission (20min).
  3. Expectation from the journals, how to overcome journal rejections and discussion about impact factors of the journals (20min).
  1. Understanding the process of Research Methodology and Defining the Research Problem (15minutes)
  2. Requirements for academic writing and the difference between common forms of academic writing (15minutes)
  3. Importance of referencing and the various tools involved in it (15minutes).
  4. How to identify and avoid plagiarism in academic writing (15minutes)
  1. Importance of scientific editing and various types of editing. (15 min)
  2. Developmental Editing (also known as Conceptual Editing or Manuscript Appraisal) (15 min)
  3. Structural Editing (also known as Evaluation Editing or Manuscript Critique) (15 min).
  4. Content Editing (also known as Substantive Editing or Full Editing) (15 min)
  1. Line Editing (also known as Stylistic Editing or Comprehensive Editing) (15min).
  2. Copy Editing. (15 min)
  3. Proofreading (15min).
  4. Introducing helpful applications and books for improving scientific editing skills (15 min)

Asked Questions

for more answers reach us at hello@certisured.com


What insights will the students gain from this workshop?

They will learn to identify gaps in their research, how to do a literature review, outline and structure a research paper and choose the right journal.


Do you have any experience in working with Journals?

Yes, with Elsevier journals. With experience as a journal editorial officer and writing research papers myself, I can share my thoughts and personal experience during this entire process and give tips and tricks to publish one's article.


What is the importance of academic writing in the process of Research Methodology?

Every academic paper or thesis is a kind of communication tool that allows students to convey the acquired knowledge in a certain discipline. For this reason, academic writing and research always feature a serious tone and present particular theories and facts that touch upon a given argument.


What are the various skills and advantages associated with the academic writing session of this workshop?

Some of the skills that participants of this workshop will acquire are Enhancement of research skills and framing research questions, improvement in written communication and formal style of writing, language skills and better understanding of subject, Critical evaluation and analytical thinking, conducting independent research, internet search and surveying skills.


What skills will students obtain through this workshop?

Students will obtain editing skills and will be acquainted with different styles of editing and their applications.


How can this workshop help students with their carrier?

By obtaining scientific editing skills, students can edit their articles in an effective way, also they can apply for editing-based positions or become an editor of a journal.



  • This workshop will be held on online platform : Microsoft Teams.
  • This entire workshop will be taught live, access to recorded sessions will be provided.
  • Participation certificate after workshop
  • Certificate of merit upon clearing exam.
  • Cash awards for first three winners
  • Freelancing position in scientific writing in Brainaura for top three winners.

Register before Dec 4th and Get 33% off! Used Code : MOUANA2021

use code MOUANA2021 before Dec 4th

Start Date : Dec 6th 2021

Starts at


Here's why you should not miss this workshop
  • Participation certificate after workshop
  • Be assured of having your research published in top journals
  • Certificate of merit upon clearing exam.
  • Cash awards for first three winners
  • Freelancing position in scientific writing in Brainaura for top three winners